Public Docks at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore

Basswood, West
 Wood 2-4'
Devils, South Landing
 Wood, Small Harbor
Little Sand Bay
 Wood, Harbor
Long, LaPointe Lighthouse
 Concrete/Metal 2-4'
Manitou Fish Camp
Michigan Lighthouse
 Concrete with Metal Pier
Oak, West
 Wood 4-5'
Otter, Southeast
 Wood, U-Shaped 5-6'
Outer Lighthouse
 Concrete 3-5'
Raspberry Lighthouse, West
 Wood 5-6'
Raspberry Lighthouse, East
 Wood 3-4'
Rocky,, East
 Wood 6-7'
Sand, East Bay
 Wood 2-3'
South Twin, West
 Wood, L-Shaped
Stockon, Presque Isle West
 Concrete, Angled
Stockton, Presque Isle East
 Concrete, L-Shaped
Stockon, Quarry Bay
 Wood 5-6'
* Water depths measured at outer end of docks.
Depths vary due to lake levels, shifting sediments, and storms.

Docks provide visitors with access to many of the islands. Space is reserved at some docks for NPS
vessels and excursion boats. Remaining space is available to the public on a first come, first served
basis. Please allow as much space as possible for other boats to dock. Mediterranean (bow or stern to the dock) and side to side mooring of vessels may not be allowed at park docks (check posted regulations). Boats may not be left unattended for more than 24 hours at public docks.

For the safety of visitors using the docks, the use of portable stoves or grills is not allowed on docks or on vessels tied to a dock (outside of galley areas). Bears may be attracted to grills at any location. Do not leave grills and food unattended. Swimming within 100 feet of public docks is not
permitted. Visitors are asked to refrain from bathing with soap directly in the lake. Please observe quiet hours between 10 pm and 6 am (throughout the park). Be sure to check posted regulations upon arrival at any dock.

Rough weather may force boaters to extend their stay in the islands. Provisions are not available for sale in the park. Plan to bring extra food, water, and supplies in case you get weathered in.

User Fees

Boaters using public docks in the national lakeshore any time between the hours of 6 pm and 6am must pay a docking fee. The fee is $10 for boats less than 40 feet long and $20 for boats 40 feet or more. The National Park Service relies on self-registration to collect docking fees. Collection stations are located near docks at Little Sand Bay, Basswood, Manitou, Michigan, Oak, Otter, Raspberry, Rocky, Sand, South Twin, and Stockton islands. Fee envelopes with self-registration instructions are available at each collection station. Boaters should provide the necessary information on the envelope, fill in and detach the receipt, place the envelope in the deposit
box at the collection station, and display the receipt in the windshield of their boat or in a window
visible from the dock. The Golden Age Passport or Interagency Senior Pass (for U.S. citizens 62 or older) and the Interagency Access Pass (for permanently disabled U.S. citizens) provide a 50% discount for docking and other recreational user fees. User fees are also charged for overnight camping and guided tours of the Raspberry Island lighthouse. All fee revenues remain at Apostle Islands NL to help fund critical, highly visible projects to benefit the public.

NOTE:  All the above is subject to change without notice.
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